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Parents as Partners

If education is to begin at birth, parents must be considered the child's first teachers. Montessori believed that parents needed and wanted help in this regard. A major goal of Montessori school is to be a place where parents can go to get information necessary for understanding children in each stage of their development".

Lillard, 1996

WEMS sees its role as being assistants to the parents

Nurturing your children is the most important job we have.

We know that being involved in your child’s education is important to you. The more you know about our Montessori programs and curriculum the more you can support your child at home.

A strong relationship will develop between the child, his or teacher, and the parent. The children remain with the same teachers through the kindergarten year and continue a close relationship with the teachers in Elementary. We recognize the need for parents and teachers to work together to serve the best interests of the child. Mutual respect, open communication and knowledge about our curriculum and educational goals is as important to us as it is to you.

To fully support your children's education and to foster this relationship between the child, family and school, WEMS provides many opportunities for parent involvement:

  • Parent Education Evenings
  • WEMS Community Events
  • Positive Discipline Classes
  • Volunteer Opportunities in your child’s class
  • Parent Breakfasts
  • Classroom Celebrations

These activities enable all of us to work together effectively to support the child's self-development. We greatly value every parent's full participation.

Schedule a Tour

Sign up online or contact the office for an appointment to tour our classrooms.